Thursday, January 12, 2012

Madness Beginnings....

Well this is a new experience for me. My dear friend, Chase, has suggested I begin a blog about my adventures outside college. I have just recently done the "cap and gown" twirl dance to receive my bachelor's of science in Biology. So why am I blogging? I graduated a semester early, and now I have a whole semester to recoup from the undergraduate madness.

My Plan? I hope to attend graduate school for Stem cell and Developmental Biology. Currently, I have heard from only one school, the University of Michigan. The official interview is in two weeks, and I am extremely excited.

This blog is named Biologist's Madness. I hope to share with you some awesome things from the biology world. And hopefully with some humor and an artistic flair. This blog will highlight new articles, advances, and news from the Biology side of life. Stay tuned for next dose of madness.....


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